Support for Women at Higher Risk for Developing Breast Cancer

Some women have a higher risk of developing breast cancer. The Guthrie High Risk Breast Cancer Clinic offers you specialized services for your breast health. Our breast specialists help you understand your personal risk factors for breast cancer and your level of risk. They help you develop a personalized plan for breast cancer screening and prevention.

How do I know if I am at high risk for breast cancer?

You may be at increased risk for breast cancer due to:

  • family history of breast cancer
  • 致密的乳腺组织
  • previous abnormal breast biopsies
  • hormonal replacement therapy
  • history of chest radiation
  • 其他风险因素

If you are younger than the recommended age for mammography (40 years old for average risk women) and have a history of breast cancer in your family (mother, sister or aunt with breast cancer) talk to your provider or contact the High Risk Breast Cancer Clinic. Starting mammograms at an earlier age may be appropriate for you.

All Guthrie mammography patients are evaluated for high risk factors at mammography screening appointments. Women who have a greater than 20% lifetime calculated risk for developing breast cancer are considered high risk.

Why is the High Risk Breast Cancer Clinic important to my health?

We help you monitor your breast health. When you meet with the breast specialists at the High Risk Breast Cancer Clinic, you:

  • Have your breast cancer risk calculated
  • Develop an individualized breast cancer screening plan
  • Discuss options for risk reduction
  • Get genetic counseling and testing if appropriate
  • Have ongoing screening visits with Guthrie’s breast specialists

Cancer is more treatable when caught sooner so finding breast cancer early is important. Women at higher risk for developing breast cancer can benefit from more frequent and additional forms of screening, 比如乳房核磁共振. Knowing your risk and creating an appropriate screening plan based on that risk can help catch cancer earlier.

Your team includes specialists from many areas working together. We can treat all types of breast cancers at all stages.

Catching breast cancer in early stages through regular annual screening gives women the best chance of beating breast cancer.

We have surgeons who are specially trained in breast surgery and reconstruction – breast surgical oncologists and plastic surgeons.

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