Treatment and Symptom Management of Cancer

Your treatment plan is tailored specifically to you. Depending on your health, type of cancer and stage of cancer, treatment can include:

What is Medical Oncology?

医学肿瘤学 is the treatment of cancer using drug and hormone combinations. Treatment can be delivered by taking pills or by infusion. A hematologist/oncologist monitors your progress during and after treatment and can help with pain and symptom management.

医学肿瘤学 treatments include:

  • Biological therapy or immunotherapy uses your body’s immune system to kill cancer cells.
  • 化疗 uses powerful chemicals to kill cancer cells.
  • 激素疗法 uses medicine to slow or stop the growth of cancer cells that use hormones to grow.
  • 靶向治疗 uses drugs or other substances that interfere with specific molecules in cancer cells to block the growth and spread of cancer.

血液学- hematology/oncology specialists treat patients with blood cancers such as leukemia, lymphoma and multiple myeloma. They also treat non-cancer (benign) blood disorders including problems with bleeding and clotting. Spotting these issues early can delay or prevent the harmful effects they may cause.

Medical Oncology at Guthrie

At Guthrie, you can be seen by our medical oncologists with or without a diagnosis of cancer. You may be referred to medical oncology because your doctor suspects you have cancer.

We recommend you bring a friend or family member to your first appointment. It is helpful to have someone with you to take notes.

We welcome all questions. Bring any questions you might have.

Board-certified specialists

Your team of doctors at Guthrie includes specially trained surgical, radiation and medical oncologists. Our cancer team works with doctors from other specialties as well to be sure you have the exact treatment plan that is right for you.

On-site lab for chemotherapy

化疗 drugs are mixed on-site for you at all locations so you won’t experience delays in treatment at your appointments.


Guthrie has four locations for infusion treatment across the region: Corning and Cortland, N.Y.; Sayre and Wellsboro, Pa. You can find a location close to you.

Multidisciplinary conference

Doctors and providers from across specialties meet biweekly to discuss every patient and organize the best treatment for her or him across the system.

Nurse navigator and social worker

Cancer nurse navigators help you understand your diagnosis and guide you through the health system. Social workers provide emotional support and help you find community resources.


Wellsboro Infusion offers telemedicine appointments to see your oncologist. Once you have an initial appointment in Sayre or Corning, your follow-up appointments can be done in Wellsboro.