Why Choose This Program

Our Program Has a 100% Employment Rate for the past Several Years.

students workingA career in Medical Laboratory Science offers individuals substantial opportunities in a growing field. This career choice offers a high-tech workplace with job satisfaction and security, good benefits, versatility in the job market and competitive salaries. 事实上, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average starting salary is $48,780 - $59,800. Med tech graduates also have the opportunity for post graduate education to build on their knowledge and expand their careers.

Additionally, Roles Are Emerging for Medical Technologists in the Fields Of:

  • DNA biotechnology
  • 免疫学
  • In-vitro fertilization technology
  • Forensic (CSI) Sciences
  • 病毒学
  • Reproductive endocrinology
  • Molecular biology

Graduates from This Program Enjoy a Wide Variety of Venues for Professional Opportunities Including:

  • Health care laboratories
  • 研究 and development labs
  • Pharmaceutical sales
  • Veterinary medicine laboratories
  • Biotechnology labs
  • National Cancer Institute (NCI)
  • Red Cross laboratories
  • Pharmaceutical laboratories
  • Physician office laboratories
  • Forensic science laboratories
  • Center for Disease Control (CDC)
  • Post graduate research and education

Post Graduate Opportunities Abound for Those Interested in Pursuing Additional Training. Some Opportunities Include:

  • Biological sciences
  • Clinical sciences
  • Business administration
  • Physician assistant/Pathologist assistant
  • 免疫学, molecular biology and microbiology
  • Forensic sciences
  • Medicine and dentistry

Laboratory 职业生涯 for Biology Majors

Clinical Laboratory Sciences is an excellent career choice for Biology Majors who are looking for an exciting career that is both academically stimulating and socially rewarding. This option will enable biology graduates to enter the workforce without having to seek an advanced degree in the biology field. Students only need to meet the admissions requirements and complete the professional one-year internship at Robert Packer Hospital. Students interested in this option should apply to the program at the beginning of their senior year.