Cardiovascular 研究员hip Program 奖 and Achievements


For a current list of Guthrie Cardiology/Cardiovascular publications available at PubMed, 点击这里

Presentations at Conferences:

Dr. 瑞恩墨菲 gave an oral presentation of a case report, Spontaneous Closure of a Large Ventricular Septal Defect by Fibrotic Tissue in an Adult PatientAmerican Society of Echocardiography (ASE) conference in Seattle 华盛顿 in June 2022. The case was discussed during the “Adult Congenital Heart Disease” Session” by the  national and International Faculty of Mass General Hospital, Columbia University and Aurora Health.

Ahmad Lone MD, Priyanka Ghosh DO, Daniel Sporn MD FACC MHA
Cardiovascular Outcomes with use of Primary Prevention Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators in patients with non-ischemic Cardiomyopathy: A Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression Analysis 
Oral Presentation at Guthrie 研究 Day 2022 

Ashraf El-Dabh,医学博士, Case Report Cardiac Sarcoma. Oral presentation at Guthrie 研究 Day 2020

阿卜杜勒·奥梅尔,医学博士David Hinnenkamp; Sudhakar Sattur, MD, Moderate Aortic Stenosis and Long-Term Mortality “The forgotten Cohort” A retrospective institutional review. Oral presentation at Guthrie 研究 Day 2020

Oral Presentation at Medical 会诊 4月12日, 2019 at The Guthrie Clinic

  • 主持人:克里希南医学博士 Advanced Heart Failure: Not Just Lasix For Life

Cardiovascular 研究员 Presented Outstanding Scholarly Activity Projects for the  2nd Annual Stanley Conklin 研究 Day Held April 5, 2019:

doctor giving presentation   doctor giving presentation


Abhishek Mishra医学博士 First Place for Oral Presentation

Strict Versus No Fasting Prior to Cardiac Catheterization:  A Prospective Evaluation of Safety and Clinical Outcomes,
致谢:Safi U. Khan, MD, Fahad Nasir, MD; Tehseen Hammad, MBBS, Michael A. Meyer, MD; Edo Kaluski, MD, FACC

Ashraf El-Dabh博士

Easing Documentation for Better Communication: Post-Catheterization Note Template Implementation to Improve Post-Procedure Documentation,
Acknowledgments: 克里希南博士 Sudhakar Sattur MD, MHSA





Easing Documentation for Better Communication: Post-Catheterization Note Template Implementation to Improve Post-Procedure Documentation

Sudhakar Sattur, MD, MHSA

Abhishek Mishra医学博士

Comparison of Outcomes with Drug Eluting versus Bare Metal Stent in Very Elderly Population

Sushruth Edla MD, Byomesh Tripathi博士, Shilpkumar Arora医学博士, 阿卜杜勒·拉赫曼·奥马尔医学博士, Varun Kumar MD, Kanika Parashar MBBS, Edo Kaluski MD FACC


When Pseudo Becomes Real: Coronary Vein Graft Pseudoaneurysm Complicating Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery

Ashraf El-Dabh,医学博士, Michael Bianco, MD, Sudhakar Sattur, MD, MHSA


Poster Presentation at SCAI 2019 Scientific Session, May 19-22, 2019 in Las Vegas, NV

海报展示 在 American College of Cardiology's 68th Annual Scientific Session, 3月16日至18日, 2019, 在新奥尔良, LA

  • 推荐者:  Abhishek Mishra MD, Comparison of outcomes with Drug eluting versus Bare metal stent in very elderly population
    Acknowledgments: Sushruth Edla MD, Byomesh Tripathi博士, Shilpkumar Arora医学博士, 阿卜杜勒·拉赫曼·奥马尔医学博士, Varun Kumar MD, Kanika Parashar MBBS, Edo Kaluski MD FACC
  • 推荐者:  克里希南医学博士, Improving electronic medical record documentation of cardiac catheterization procedures
    Acknowledgments: Ashraf El-Dabh博士 Sudhakar Sattur MD, MHSA
  • 推荐者:  克里希南医学博士, Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) with pleural decortication is a commonly performed procedure for patients with empyema and fibrosis. 

Poster Presentation 在 American College of Cardiology's 67th Annual Scientific Session, March 10-12, 2018, in Orlando, FL

  • 推荐者:  克里希南医学博士, Contained Annular Rupture Following Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement: A Rare Complication With an Unusual Presentation
    Acknowledgments: Shilpa Pedapati, MD, Maninder Singh, MD, Sudhakar Sattur, MD

Poster Presentation 在 International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation (ISHLT), 4月12日, 2018年尼斯, 法国

  • 推荐者:  克里希南医学博士, Cardiac Transplantation for Ventricular Tachycardia Storm due to Cardiac Hemangioma