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Make the best of the time you have with the help of 世界博彩公司十大排名临终关怀

It is all about how you live. 临终关怀是在生命的最后阶段为你和你所爱的人提供的一种特殊的关怀. We help you make the best of the time you have. 通过制定计划,你获得了高质量的时间,有尊严地呆在家里,与家人在一起.


For more information about hospice, call 1-800-598-6155. 我们的注册护士每周7天为您提供无义务评估或咨询.

Priscilla Ammerman’s journey with 世界博彩公司十大排名临终关怀


How can hospice help?

安宁疗护服务可以满足您在生命最后阶段的医疗、心理和精神需求. 服务可在家中、医院或长期护理机构提供.

  • 工作人员是可用的一天24小时回答问题,并提供必要的访问.
  • 安宁疗护志工可以提供支援,提高您的生活品质.
  • 根据需要提供药物、医疗设备和用品,以使患者感到舒适.
  • Bereavement and grief services 在亲人去世后的13个月内,您的家人是否有需要.
  • Bereavement support group is open to all members of the community. Three sessions lasting five weeks each are offered throughout the year.


  • Pain relief and symptom management
  • 护理
  • Aides for personal care
  • Spiritual support and counseling
  • Medical social work
  • Physical, occupational and speech therapies
  • 膳食咨询
  • Short-term inpatient care
  • 喘息的机会
  • Durable medical equipment
  • Bereavement 服务

When to Call 临终关怀

当治疗不再能治愈或控制限制生命的疾病时,是时候咨询临终关怀了. 通常,临终关怀开始时,一个人只有不到六个月的生命. 您和您的家人以及您的医生可以讨论开始治疗的最合适时间.


You, your physicians, or your family members may request 临终关怀 services. Anybody can call 临终关怀. If you don’t know whether to call or not, call. We can answer your questions -- 800-598-6155.


The 临终关怀 care team includes:

  • 医生
  • 注册护士
  • Licensed practical nurses
  • 临终关怀的助手
  • 社会工作者
  • 牧师
  • Bereavement coordinator
  • 志愿者

世界博彩公司十大排名临终关怀 Care

世界博彩公司十大排名临终关怀 Care is available in 宾西法尼亚. Other hospice programs are available in 纽约 state.

  • 世界博彩公司十大排名临终关怀医院获得了宾夕法尼亚州卫生部的认证,是国家临终关怀和姑息治疗组织(NHPCO)和宾夕法尼亚州家庭协会(PHA)的成员。.
  • 临终关怀护士和助手通过国家临终关怀和姑息护理认证委员会(NBCHPN)的临终关怀和姑息治疗认证。.



Annual Memorial Service

Each year 世界博彩公司十大排名临终关怀 holds an annual memorial service. As p艺术 of the memorial service, we have a special butterfly release in remembrance of those who have died.



Good Grief Day Camp

好悲伤日营是一个日营设置,以帮助孩子与悲伤和丧亲之痛通过玩耍, 艺术, music and activities.

女儿 Shares Her Mother’s 临终关怀 Care Experience

I am waiting for my mom at a nail salon in Mountaintop, Pa. where two of her grandchildren reside. 两个月前, 我从来没有想过我和妈妈会在距离我们位于塞尔的家两小时路程的山顶享受一个美丽的秋日. 我妈妈今年96岁,最近因充血性心力衰竭住院. She was retaining so much 流感id that her breathing was affected, her clothes/shoes did not fit, she struggled to get in/out of bed ... 生活很艰难. 医院里的医生和护士尽了最大的努力来治疗妈妈,但她的心脏跟不上她身体的需求. There were options such as surgery, 但是妈妈不久前决定把回家的路交给上帝.

Before discharge from the hospital, I had so many concerns and questions. How would we manage at home? 在控制她的体液方面可能会有限制,她的饮食会是什么样子? She already ate little and not much food appealed to her. 监测她的钠和液体摄入量似乎是如此繁重和有限. How would she get into/out of bed without difficulty, without harm? How will she be comfortable and happy in her present condition? 了解了我的担忧和焦虑程度,医院建议我接受姑息治疗/临终关怀. This is when our wonderful relationship with 临终关怀 began.

The minute 临终关怀 became involved, my anxiety level plummeted. Our 临终关怀 Care Manager, 凯伦, who came to our home shortly after discharge, explained the 临终关怀 philosophy. After she left, I could breathe again. Mom could eat whatever she enjoyed. We got a hospital bed which made a tremendous difference. Mom would have a nurse visit every week and we had a number to call 24/7.

言语无法表达我们对临终关怀护士苏珊娜的感激之情. 在她的照顾和专业知识下,我妈妈减掉了28磅的液体体重,感觉棒极了. 不用说,要做到这一点并不容易,但需要细心的照顾和持续的监测, Susanne and her team met the challenge!

Today, my mom is actively getting through her bucket list. 时间不是花在看医生上,而是花在外出就餐和修指甲上. 妈妈在山巅探望她孙子的新家,不久她将飞往佛罗里达看望另外四个住在新家的孙子. 生活是美好的!

对我们来说,临终关怀不是关于死亡或绝望,而是希望和拥有充实生活的工具. We don’t know when my mom’s he艺术 will stop beating but with hospice, she won’t miss a beat the rest of her life.
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