Learn with an Instructor

Hands Only CPR

It only takes 60 seconds to learn the skill that could help save a life.  Just follow the link for Hands only CPR. However, some people learn better when they can do hands on. Meet with an instructor and learn how to do hands only CPR while using a manikin and getting any help you need to learn this life saving skills.

家庭 & 朋友心肺复苏

家庭 & 朋友心肺复苏 is for people who want to learn CPR but do not need a CPR course completion card to meet a job requirement. This course is ideal for community groups, new parents, grandparents, babysitters, and others interested in learning how to save a life.

This course teaches the lifesaving skills of adult Hands-Only CPR, adult CPR with breaths, child CPR with breaths, adult and child AED use, 婴儿心肺复苏, and mild and severe airway block for adults, 孩子们, 和婴儿. Skills are taught in a dynamic group environment using the AHA’s research-proven practice-while-watching technique, which provides students with the most hands-on CPR practice time possible.

Bloodborne Pathogens

This is a classroom course that teaches employees how to protect themselves and others from being exposed to blood or blood-containing materials.

This course is designed to meet Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements for bloodborne pathogens training when paired with site-specific instruction.

This course is designed for anyone with a reasonable chance of coming into contact with bloodborne pathogens such as:

  • Correctional Officers
  • Childcare workers
  • Security guards
  • Maintenance workers
  • School personnel
  • Hotel housekeepers
  • Health and fitness club staff 
  • Tattoo artists