Seven Questions Women Are Afraid to Ask Their OB/GYN

Seven Questions Women Are Afraid to Ask Their OB/GYN

Ladies: Don't be afraid to speak up at your next OB/GYN exam.

事实上, some problems that are uncomfortable to talk about could be signs of something much more serious, 比如感染, 更年期, 子宫内膜异位症甚至癌症.

Here are the top seven questions that women are afraid to ask their 妇产科医生,上面的答案是所有患者都应该知道的:

1. 当我打喷嚏或咳嗽时如何防止小便?

首先,你并不孤单. Millions of women experience involuntary loss of urine called urinary incontinence. 公司ontinence occurs because of problems with muscles and nerves that help to hold or release urine. Kegel exercises can strengthen the muscles that help hold in urine. 如果你的膀胱过于活跃, your doctor may prescribe a medicine to block the nerve signals that cause frequent urination and urgency.

2. What's the deal with this vaginal odor, itch or discharge?!

"Vaginitis" is a medical term used to describe various disorders that cause infection or inflammation of the vagina. 保持良好的阴道卫生, 尽量避免频繁, 长时间的沐浴,热水浴缸和漩涡. Do not use scented or harsh soaps, such as those with deodorant or antibacterial action. Do not use scented tampons or pads that may be irritating to vaginal tissue. Avoid regular douching as it is not necessary and disrupts the normal vaginal flora.

3. 我性交时疼. 我该怎么办呢??

性交时疼痛是很常见的. In many cases, a woman can experience painful sex if there is not sufficient vaginal lubrication. 为他人, pain during sex may be a sign of a gynecologic problem, 如卵巢囊肿或子宫内膜异位症. If you have pain during or after sex, you should get advice from your doctor. 

4. 我只是没心情. 我怎样才能提高我的性欲?

Millions of people suffer from a low libido - or an inhibited sex drive - at one point or another. Take a few days to examine your daily lifestyle and to try and pinpoint potential causes such as poor self-image, 对行为本身的焦虑, frustrations with another part of the relationship or depression. Medical issues that may cause low libido include heart disease, 糖尿病和未经治疗的甲状腺疾病. Low testosterone or estrogen is also commonly linked to sex drive problems; postmenopausal women may be prescribed topical or oral estrogen. Your doctor can help you identify medical or other problems and direct you to appropriate treatments.

5. Is it normal to have a heavy period or a period that lasts longer than a week?

每个女人的月经周期都不一样. 平均, menstrual flow occurs every 28 days (with most women having cycles between 24 and 34 days), 持续4到7天. But here is a wide variation in timing and duration that is still considered normal. 如果你感到剧烈疼痛,请咨询医生, especially if you also have pain when not menstruating; if periods have been heavier or more prolonged than what is normal for you, or if you have bleeding or spotting after 更年期 or between periods.

6. 我觉得我的搭档出轨了. 我应该做性病检测吗?

如果你认为你的伴侣有过口交, 与另一个人发生阴道或肛交, it's a good idea for you to be tested for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Many people have sexually transmitted infections and never know it. 三种更危险的性传播疾病是衣原体, 淋病和艾滋病毒, 所以和你的医生谈谈做检查的事.

7. These mood swings/hot flashes/sleep problems are driving me bananas! 我进入更年期了吗??

Menopause can happen in your 40s or 50s, but the average age is 51 in the United 状态s. The physical and emotional symptoms of 更年期 may disrupt your sleep, 引起潮热, 盗汗和月经不规律, lower your energy or — for some women — trigger anxiety or feelings of sadness and loss.

The severity of these changes varies from woman to woman, 但在大多数情况下, 它们是完全自然和正常的. 如果你有任何问题, 和你的妇产科医生谈谈,她会听你的, understand and help you solve some of these problems so you are feeling your best.


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