The Cardiovascular Prevention and Lipid Clinic at the Sayre cardiovascular clinic offers expertise and a wide range of services proven to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and complications. The clinic has collaborated with Guthrie Weight Loss Center to help patients lose weight if obesity is their predominant risk factor.

Our goal is to identify your cardiovascular risk factors early and work closely with you to reduce their negative effects. One such risk factor is elevated lipids, or cholesterol.

We know that regular communication improves your chances for long-term success. We also recognize that it may not be convenient for you to drive to Sayre for appointments -- that’s why we offer appointments via 远程医疗.


The Guthrie Cardiovascular Prevention and Lipid Clinic offers comprehensive care including:

  • Comprehensive cardiovascular risk assessment to identify risk factors
  • Cardiac examination
  • Advanced imaging tests of heart and blood vessels
  • Advanced lipid testing and genetic testing
  • A weight loss program for evaluation and treatment of obesity
  • Nutrition counseling
  • Physical activity counseling
  • Smoking cessation
  • Statin intolerance clinic, which provides alternative cholesterol therapy for patients who experience negative effects from statin therapy


You may benefit from seeing our team if you have any of these risk factors:

  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • 糖尿病
  • 肥胖
  • 烟草的使用
  • A sedentary lifestyle
  • A personal history of cardiovascular disease in early adulthood
  • Strong family history of heart attacks and stroke

Talk with your primary care provider for a referral to the Cardiovascular Prevention and Lipid Clinic.

The Guthrie Weight Loss Center offers the region’s only comprehensive weight loss program with a team of providers dedicated exclusively to the success of our patients. 

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