

Keep your joints healthier by incorporating these activities into your workout routine.

Your joints allow you to run, jump, twist 和 turn. 事实上, nearly every movement you make is made possible by the functioning of one or more joints in your body. From your knees 和 hips to your shoulders 和 wrists, joints play a vital role in your life. That's why it's important to take care of them as much as possible.

As you age, your joints are subjected to wear 和 tear. Joints can also be affected by injury, overuse or conditions such as arthritis. While you can't control all factors that in流感ence how well your joints work, there are steps you can take to keep your joints as healthy as possible.

One of the best ways to keep joints healthier is to exercise regularly 和 engage in daily activities like walking 和 stretching. 锻炼 increases the flexibility of joints 和 keeps muscles that support joints stronger.

Here are the best exercises to do to keep your joints in tip-top shape:

  • 有氧运动 -减轻关节的压力, stick to lower-intensity activities like walking, 骑自行车, 使用椭圆机或游泳. Avoid high impact exercise such as jumping or running, especially on hard surfaces like sidewalks or streets, if you have joint pain or have experienced any deterioration in joint function.
  • 力量训练 -是否使用自由举重, 健身器材, resistance b和s or your own body weight, strength training helps keep your muscles strong so they can better support your joints. Just don't overdo it or you risk injuring both muscles 和 joints. Proper form is important when doing any strength training exercise.
  • 柔韧性练习 -瑜伽等活动, tai chi 和 pilates help joints maintain flexibility so they can go through their full range of motion without pain. These activities are low impact 和 can be performed by almost anyone, 无论年龄或健康水平如何. Tai chi is especially helpful for older adults because it helps maintain better balance, 减少跌倒的风险.
  • 伸展运动 – To loosen joints 和 muscles, stretch before 和 after aerobic 和 strength training activities. Stretching before activities helps get the blood flowing 和 loosens stiffness in muscles 和 joints. Stretching after activities is ideal because muscles 和 joints are more flexible, muscles are warm 和 circulation is increased.

Variety is key when your goal is to keep joints healthy. 公司lude aerobic, muscle strengthening 和 flexibility exercises in your workout routine. 每周伸展几次. Don't overstress joints by doing the same activities day after day—cross training adds variety 和 is good for your joints 和 muscles. Stick to lower-impact activities, especially if you have been experiencing any pain. Maintaining a healthy weight 和 avoiding injury as much as possible are other ways to support optimal joint health.


Our dedicated musculoskeletal team is here for you at all stages of life, with the most advanced treatments 和 therapies available in the area. From arthritis 和 osteoporosis to trauma care, 关节置换术等, you can be sure that our providers are highly experienced in their chosen specialty to provide you with the best treatment available.


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Editorial Review: Andrea Cohen, Editorial Director, 鲍德温出版公司. 联系编辑

医学检查: 安德鲁·奥弗曼,DPT, MS, COMT, CSCS

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