Is Being Tired a Sign of Something Serious?

Is Being Tired a Sign of Something Serious?

If you often feel sleepy, this is why it may be time to check for sleep apnea.

Do you sleep poorly at night? 如果是这样的话, it could be a sign that you have a serious health issue – sleep apnea – one that if left untreated could wreak lifelong havoc. 

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that occurs when your breathing is interrupted during sleep. 如果你有这种情况, your sleep may be affected by shallow breathing or pauses in your breathing, which can last from a few seconds to minutes. This can contribute to a fragmented, unsatisfying sleep. Not only can sleep apnea lead to fatigue, poor concentration 和 an increased risk of accidents, 但如果不及时治疗, it can raise your risk for high blood pressure, 心脏心律失常, 糖尿病, 肥胖, heart failure 和 may even cause heart attack or stroke.

Although sleep apnea is more common in men – 1 in 25 middle-aged men is affected, according to the National Institutes of Health – women aren't immune. 1 in 50 middle-aged women has sleep apnea. 

Many people don't know they suffer from sleep apnea. They're just used to sleeping poorly 和 think there's nothing they can do about it. But if you or your partner notices your sleep is frequently disrupted, talk to your doctor about whether you should have a sleep study done to check for sleep apnea.

Here are 5 facts you may not know about the sleep apnea:

  • Sleep apnea is often hereditary. If a family member has sleep apnea, you're more likely to develop it.
  • Being overweight can increase your risk. Obesity is a risk factor for obstructive sleep apnea but it's not the only one. The risk of having sleep apnea is 4 times greater for people who are obese compared to people at a normal weight.
  • It can also affect children. Sleep apnea becomes more common as you get older, but even small children can develop it. Enlarged tonsil tissues are usually to blame.
  • Your neck can hold a clue. The circumference of your neck may affect your chances of developing sleep apnea. Having a large neck – 17 inches or more in men 和 15 inches or greater in women – may indicate you have a narrower airway, which can increase your risk.
  • Your diet may in流感ence your sleep apnea. Eating high-fat foods may exacerbate sleep apnea, according to research, especially for women. 研究ers found that a diet with higher amounts of fat, saturated fatty acids 和 protein makes the condition worse.

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Date Last Reviewed: March 2, 2020

Editorial Review: Andrea Cohen, Editorial Director, 鲍德温出版公司. 联系编辑

医学检查: David Cohn, MD, FCCP, 睡眠障碍s Specialist

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