6 Tips to Get – 和 Stay – In the Game

6 Tips to Get – 和 Stay – In the Game

After a long week of work, here's how to be active 和 have fun without getting injured.

With Park 和 Recreation Month in full swing this July, it's time to get in the game! But before you head to your local park or a field near you to join a pick-up game or enter a more competitive league, make sure your body is ready to play to reduce your risk of injury.

First-time players 和 weekend warriors are more prone to injury than serious athletes when participating in sports if not careful 和 well prepared. Some of the more common injuries include ankle sprains, 大腿拉伤, 膝盖和肘部受伤, shin splints 和 groin pulls. 

Here's how to lower your risk of injury when you've spent most of your week sitting at a desk:

  1. 准备玩. Before you start playing any sport, build up your strength 和 endurance. Perform strengthening 和 stretching exercises to better prepare your joints 和 muscles to h和le the rigors of the particular activity so you don't jump in cold-turkey.
  2. 遵守规则. Many sports-related injuries can be avoided by following the rules of the game. This is especially true in contact sports where the risk of injury is higher.
  3. 热身和降温. Spend at least 15 minutes warming up before an activity 和 cooling down when you're done. Warming up increases blood flow 和 gets your muscles ready for activity. During your cool down, stretch to improve flexibility.
  4. 穿戴防护装备. Make sure you choose appropriate gear for your sport, 包括头盔, 的护腿, 保护垫, 护齿器和眼镜. Check that all gear fits snugly 和 securely. Properly-fitting shoes are a must 和 should be replaced on a regular basis.
  5. Be realistic about what you can do. Your body needs a chance to get used to an activity if you have never done it before. Slow down or stop when you are fatigued or feel pain. Overdoing it makes it more likely you'll become injured.
  6. 休息一下. It's common for athletes of all levels to think they can push past the pain of an injury, but you're better off taking a rest 和 waiting for your body to heal. If you are not fully healed 和 you continue to play, you risk making things worse.


When an injury strikes, we underst和 how important a fast recovery is to your athlete. 这就是为什么我们的团队 运动医学 caregivers share one common goal – to get our athletes back in the game as quickly 和 safely as possible.
Our caregivers are equipped to h和le a wide variety of 运动损伤, 提供损伤评估, 脑震荡管理, 物理治疗, surgical procedures 和 more. In addition to the vast network of Guthrie providers across numerous specialties, we can ensure your athlete receives the best care possible, 无论条件如何.


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Date Last Reviewed: May 14, 2019

Editorial Review: Andrea Cohen, Editorial Director, 鲍德温出版公司. 联系编辑

医学检查: Andrew Overman, DPT, MS, COMT, CSCS

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